I have to delay testing because my PC suddenly went out of order. I have no clue if I get it working in some hours or if I have to buy a new PC. 🙁
Edit: Just in case you are wondering: I'm writing this with my mobile phone.
Peter Oh my... good luck with that.
I've got a new PC now, but I still can't solve the problem. I give up. 🙁
Greetings Petdr
Peter Welcome back! 🙂 Same distro as before?
What's your distro?
魔大农 I run 64-bit Linux Mint Una, Xfce edition. Also, I tend to install Linux from a USB flash drive using mintstick. In Xubuntu you can install usb-creator-gtk which does the same.
When you feel like testing again, I still wonder if the latest Open Saucer builds for you.